Sunday, 10 March 2019

LO4: Review of assets

Front cover masthead

For the front cover masthead I wanted to have a very strong san serif font, I wanted to have this

specific font due to its unisex connotations, it's clear from a distance and all letters are clear to read due to the letters being in capitals.
I have chosen to place this text in white to contrast the darker image that it will be placed on, this is very key that the masthead is contrasted as its the most important asset on the page and should be the first focal point on the page.
I have added a drop shadow to the masthead to create more depth to the asset, i think by adding this addition I achieve the connotations of importance that the masthead represents on a magazine.
I like this masthead and think it represents the magazine very well by connoting exclusivity and being very interpretative however I do feel like it is simple and maybe too minimalist, if I was to recreate the masthead I would look at maybe creating it again with a bolder meaning and linking it more to my audience, e.g maybe having it in green to represent the city's landscape or even have the city skyline included to really demonstrate the target audience.

Front cover Image

This is my main cover image, I have photographed my model Alan who is featured late on in the magazine, this means he is acting as a pull for the reader to engage with the photo and want to read more inside.
Alan is seen in a relaxed pose and is making direct eye contact with the camera, this is important for a main cover image as it allows the image to be more eye catching for the audience and pulls them in.
I had Alan pull a semi-serious expression this was to demonstrate the connotations of Create Coffee being a serious coffee business however this is contrasted by Alans slight smile and friendly emotion as this acts as a welcoming sign to the reader and this is especially important as my magazine is local meaning that the plug of Create Coffee is going to act as advertisement for the business therefore the audience want to see a friendly nature from the owner as they will then feel more inclined to visit.
I have edited the image slightly by adjusting contrast, brightness and saturation in softwares such as Lightroom.
I have added this editing to create a bright and intriguing image which will catch the readers eye if walking past the magazine in a public space.

Overall I really like the image, I think Alan looks really interesting and like the photography aspects of the image, alongside this I also really like the minimal editing as I didn't want to create any type of star persona around my magazine due to it being a local magazine therefore it being more effective is Alan is relatable rather than an ideal self.

Front cover banner asset 

This is a graphic featured on my front page, the graphic itself acts as a banner for the information regarding the exclusive with the main cover image model.
The graphic is in the shape of ribbon, this is very purposefully created as I want to create connotations of winning or a gift being given, all these ideas are very positive and happy therefore I think they're a good connection to make with the magazine.
I have made the graphic in a dark navy colour this was to contrast any lighter fonts placed on top however looking back now I don't think the colour scheme of this graphic works and I think the muted colours make the magazine look dull and not interesting enough for readers to pick up, especially regarding the fact that the ribbons are acting as banners for the text promoting a main exclusive interview inside the magazine.

Contents page images 

wanted to place im
ages on my contents page to create a visual aid to accompany the page numbers and titles, the images that were chosen had to represent the contents of the magazine and give an overall sense of the articles included inside. 

I chose to have 4 main images placed on the contents page.

The first image featured a range of objects e.g plants pencils and vintage board games, I wanted to include this specific photo as I thought it captured quite a lot of interests that the readers of BUZZ would have e.g arts and crafts and environmentalists, this image demonstrates passions and values that are strongly felt in the S8 postcode. 

For the second image placed I wanted to have include a recognisable Sheffield landmark, this image was taken in the botanical gardens in Sheffield, the domed architecture is recognisable in the background of the image however the inclusion of plants in the image represents the green element that Sheffield does represent, in the image itself it shows an element of depth of field, the leaves themselves are in focus however are silhouetted by the glass roof above and this overall creates a really unique and intriguing image.

Ththird image included is a cup of coffee this image signifies the food and drink portion of the local magazine, it also relates heavily to the exclusive interview advertised on the front cover page for Create Coffee exclusive interview. The coffee cup also is placed to connote relaxation to the readers, personally the thought of coffee means relaxation and a break this should be an idea that the magazine represents as its a very relaxed and calm magazine. 

For my fourth image I really wanted to capture the greener side of Sheffield, due to the magazine being a niche target audience and one of the main target audience demographics being that the audience is from Sheffield I think its helpful to include as many relatable aspects of Sheffield as possible as then this creates relatability throughout the audience and this encourages them to read on and enjoy the magazine more.
To help make this relatability link between the reader and the magazine I placed this image of this wooded area, even though the second image dos represent Sheffields green side I wanted to include a picture that depicted nature and landscapes in Sheffield.

I do really like all pictures placed on the contents page and think they all represent aspects of Sheffield that people can appreciate and understand as well as demonstrating the contents fo the magazine and the subjects covered however I think if i was to recreate this page again I would maybe try and have all images having the same colour scheme or having a running theme similar as I feel like they are very disconnected from each together and don't really have any linking factors and this in turn making them feel randomly selected.

Page number and subheading banners 

I have created banners to emphasis subtitles and page numbers, I have done this by first off selecting the shape tool, I have placed the rectangles in a baby yellow colour to frame the page numbers to connote upbeat and happy emotions, I wanted the yellow tones to also represent sunshine and positivity as I think they are good associations for the magazine and represent the article tones.

After looking at other contents pages also I realised that having banners to demonstrate the importance of the subheading and page numbers was really conventional and seen in many local magazines such as Exposed.
Overall I think that the addition of this asset did improve the page as it added colour and allowed the house style to be more varied instead of just white and coral, on the other hand I do think the banners does make the page look as if its created to target a much younger audience due to the colours chosen.

Double page graphic

This graphic was created to act as a main cover line on the double page spread, I wanted to create a more unique masthead for this page to create variety between my pages.
I really like the final product its strengths are the varying black rectangles, the varying size creates a really unique and indie style look to the page, this I think suits the page due to Create Coffee offering that aesthetic also.
To improve this asset however I would've picked another font, this font was used on all pages so I thought the continued use of the font would create synergy throughout the pages however in this particular graphic I think because I had to stretch the letters to fit the varying borders it makes it look unprofessional.

Double page image (unedited)

This picture will be the main cover image for my double page spread, I have chosen this picture in [particular due to the unique depth of field and composition of the image.
The image is very striking due tot he depth of field, I had the model hold out the coffee cup which is key iconography for the article, I then shifted the cameras focus onto the coffee cup, this allowed me to blur out the model and the first focal point of the image is the coffee cup. 
The unusual depth of field adds a new element to the image and features both the interviewee and the subject of the article this allows the image to be heavily related to the article and therefore the whole page itself being cohesive in theme.
I also really like the composition of this image, I tried to take the image with the rule of thirds in mind this allowed the subject and the coffee to be very central and aesthetically pleasing, if I was to retake the image I would lift the camera slightly as an improvement of the image would be to have the whole of the models head in the image as currently its cut off slightly.

Double page image (edited)

I have edited this image to fit the genre and contents of my double page spread, as mentioned in the last image one of the main strengths of the image is the emphasis on the coffee cup which is in a deep depth of focus contrasting the shallow depth of the model. 
To emphasis the iconography of the coffee even further I have chosen to create a selective colour image, I have placed the image in monochrome except for the coffee cup which I have left as the light green colour is going to be one of my main house style colours for the page. The selective colour editing of the image I think is a definite strength as I think it just adds another level of emphasis on the topic of the article.
I created the selective colour by using the selective tool and selecting the coffee cup carefully before inverting the selected area, after this I applied a monochrome effect and later used the curve adjustment to create extra contrast of black and white in the image.
I do think this image really fits the page and the house style is really built around this image however I do feel asif this image is very heavily edited and this isn't very conventional especially for a local magazine, therefore if I was to recreate this page I would look at maybe just adjusting the contrast and brightness slightly similarly to the front cover.

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LO4: Evaluation

THE BUZZ i s a local genre magazine that has been created due to SPH looking for a new magazine that will appeal to a Sheffield aud...